500K+ Graphic Design Templates for Every Need

Explore 500K+ professional AI-generated Templates for posters, cards, infographics, social media, charts, maps, documents, and other graphic design projects.

Start with our AI generated template collections
Effortlessly Create Unique Content with Our Diverse Selection of AI-Generated Templates

4th July Poster Collection View all

fourthjulyposter maker flag symbol
fourthjulyposter maker paper text
fourthjulyposter maker advertisement poster
fourthjulyposter maker poster advertisement
fourthjulyposter maker advertisement poster
fourthjulyposter maker advertisement poster
fourthjulyposter maker flyer brochure
fourthjulyposter maker flag symbol
fourthjulyposter maker advertisement poster
fourthjulyposter maker advertisement poster
fourthjulyposter maker advertisement poster
fourthjulyposter maker advertisement poster
fourthjulyposter maker advertisement poster
fourthjulyposter maker advertisement arch
fourthjulyposter maker advertisement poster
See all

Population Day Poster Collection View all

populatedayposter maker barchart chart
populatedayposter maker advertisement poster
populatedayposter maker advertisement poster
populatedayposter maker advertisement poster
populatedayposter maker advertisement poster
populatedayposter maker advertisement poster
populatedayposter maker advertisement poster
populatedayposter maker crowd person
populatedayposter maker advertisement poster
populatedayposter maker advertisement poster
populatedayposter maker advertisement poster
populatedayposter maker chart piechart
populatedayposter maker advertisement poster
populatedayposter maker advertisement poster
populatedayposter maker chart plot
See all

Malala Day Poster Collection View all

malaladayposter maker advertisement poster
malaladayposter maker adult female
malaladayposter maker advertisement poster
malaladayposter maker head person
malaladayposter maker advertisement poster
malaladayposter maker people person
malaladayposter maker book publication
malaladayposter maker advertisement poster
malaladayposter maker photography face
malaladayposter maker advertisement poster
malaladayposter maker advertisement poster
malaladayposter maker face head
malaladayposter maker adult female
malaladayposter maker face head
malaladayposter maker adult female
See all

How to Create an AI-Enhanced Graphic Design, Video, or Animation in Easy Steps?

Follow these steps to make your own AI-driven graphic design, video, or animation with Appy Pie Design:

  • 1

    Choose Your Template and Design Type

    Select the type of graphic, video, or animation you want to create & browse through hundreds of AI-enhanced design templates.

  • 2

    Personalize Your Design

    Add text, background, photos, and more to make your design uniquely yours and choose from AI-curated stock photos or upload your own.

  • 3

    Save, Collaborate, and Refine

    Review your designs and make tweaks to perfection using our AI Design Tools. Finally, download your projects or save them on the cloud for easy access and collaboration.

Create your own graphic design with free graphic design templates

Sometimes even the greatest designers hit a creative block and are hard-pressed for unique ideas to create a graphic design online. Appy Pie Design comes to your rescue with free design templates, including free infographic templates, graphic design layouts for blog banners, app icons, book covers, brochures, business cards, newsletters, and more.

Our graphic design platform offers some of the best graphic design templates, which can be a perfect starting point for your next big design project.

graphic design templates

Explore through Appy Pie Design’s collection of free design templates!

Appy Pie Design is revolutionizing the graphic design landscape with AI Design Tools, making it easier and more accessible for everyone. Our platform offers hundreds of AI-enhanced free graphic design templates, including options for Videos and Animations. These templates serve as a starting point for your website designs or any other creative project you have in mind. Utilize our AI-powered search to sift through our extensive free database collection of design templates, each curated to meet diverse user needs while offering the flexibility for your creative expression. From AI-optimized infographic templates to brochure layouts, Appy Pie Design is your one-stop-shop for all design needs. The explore page you see above showcases a selection of our most popular and frequently used AI-enhanced graphic design templates. All of these are part of our comprehensive graphic design tool suite. Sign up for free to access an even wider array of AI-driven design templates!

Boost Your Digital Property with AI-Powered Graphic Designs

In order to enhance the attractiveness of any digital property, it is crucial to create graphic designs that not only please the eye but also align well with the brand. In the past, many small businesses struggled with the design aspect of their digital identity. This was primarily due to the challenges of creating their own graphic designs and the high expenses associated with hiring a graphic designer.

However, thanks to the advancements in AI technology, Appy Pie Design has revolutionized the design process. With this AI-powered platform, you can now effortlessly create professional graphic designs without the need to hire a design professional or an agency. Best of all, you can use the platform for free. No specialized training is required, as the platform is designed to be intuitive and user-friendly.

Appy Pie Design serves as the ultimate answer to the question of how to create your own graphic designs. You no longer need to worry about acquiring formal design education to use the platform effectively. It offers a vast library of hundreds of free templates for various design categories, allowing you to explore and choose the perfect design for your needs.

Once you find a template that suits your requirements, whether it's for logos, brochures, flyers, social media banners (such as Facebook and LinkedIn), blog banners, posters, or business cards, you can preview and customize it to your liking. The platform enables you to effortlessly personalize the text, fonts, image colors, design elements, images, proportions, and more, with the added functionality of a color picker tool, empowering you to create your own stunning graphic designs.

When you're satisfied with your design, you have the option to store it in the cloud for future editing or download it in your preferred format. You can also collaborate with your team members online to create graphic designs together. Additionally, the cloud-based nature of Appy Pie Design allows you to access your design projects anytime, anywhere, using the device of your choice.

With Appy Pie’s Design platform we deliver enterprise-class security and compliance to you and your customers through every interaction.
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Page Template: All Category (templates/all-category-listing.php  ⟶  /wp-content/themes/appypiedesign2020/templates/all-category-listing.php)

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Assets that are marked with are part of WordPress core files. Be careful if you decide to unload them! If you are not sure what to do, just leave them loaded by default and consult with a developer.
* any new change will take effect after you use the "Update" button

➝ Total enqueued files (including core files): 6
  All loaded (.css & .js) ➝ Total files: 4
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The following files were not selected for unload in any way (e.g. per page, site-wide) on this page. The list also includes any load exceptions (e.g. a file can be unloaded site-wide, but loaded on this page).

 * Stylesheet (.css)
Version: 6.4.2  /  This handle is not for external stylesheet (most likely inline CSS) and it is loaded in: HEAD
Make an exception from any unload rule & always load it:
Inline styling associated with the handle: Show / Hide   /  Size: 345 bytes

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/*! This file is auto-generated */
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If kept loaded, make the browser download the file 

No notes have been added about this stylesheet file (e.g. why you unloaded it or decided to keep it loaded) ⟶

 * Stylesheet (.css) WordPress Core File
Not sure if needed or not? In this case, it's better to leave it loaded to avoid breaking the website.
Source: /wp-includes/css/dashicons.min.css
 ⟶  Preload (if kept loaded)?   * applies site-wide
Tip: To avoid breaking admin bar's styling which relies on the WordPress Dashicons, any unload rule set for this handle will be ignored IF the user is logged-in and the admin bar is showing up.
Make an exception from any unload rule & always load it:
If kept loaded, make the browser download the file 

No notes have been added about this stylesheet file (e.g. why you unloaded it or decided to keep it loaded) ⟶

 * Stylesheet (.css)
Version: 6.4.2  /  This handle is not for external stylesheet (most likely inline CSS) and it is loaded in: HEAD
Make an exception from any unload rule & always load it:
Inline styling associated with the handle: Show / Hide   /  Size: 10.09 KB

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If kept loaded, make the browser download the file 

No notes have been added about this stylesheet file (e.g. why you unloaded it or decided to keep it loaded) ⟶

 * JavaScript (.js) WordPress Core File
Not sure if needed or not? In this case, it's better to leave it loaded to avoid breaking the website.
Source: /wp-includes/js/hoverintent-js.min.js
 ⟶  Preload (if kept loaded)?   * applies site-wide
Make an exception from any unload rule & always load it:
If kept loaded, make the browser download the file 

No notes have been added about this JavaScript file (e.g. why you unloaded it or decided to keep it loaded) ⟶

  All unloaded (.css & .js) ➝ Total files: 2
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The following CSS/JS files are unloaded on this page due to the rules that took effect..

 * Stylesheet (.css)
Source: /wp-content/plugins/sitepress-multilingual-cms/templates/language-switchers/legacy-post-translations/style.min.css
 ⟶  Preload (if kept loaded)?   * applies site-wide
This CSS is unloaded site-wide (everywhere).
All other unload rules (e.g. per page, RegEx) are overwritten by this site-wide rule.
Make an exception from any unload rule & always load it:
If kept loaded, make the browser download the file 

No notes have been added about this stylesheet file (e.g. why you unloaded it or decided to keep it loaded) ⟶

 * Stylesheet (.css)
Source: /wp-content/plugins/sitepress-multilingual-cms/res/css/admin-bar-style.css
 ⟶  Preload (if kept loaded)?   * applies site-wide
Make an exception from any unload rule & always load it:
If kept loaded, make the browser download the file 

No notes have been added about this stylesheet file (e.g. why you unloaded it or decided to keep it loaded) ⟶

Hardcoded (non-enqueued) Styles & Scripts
The list of hardcoded assets is fetched... Please wait...
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If you are not sure how these options work, you can read more about them in the documentation.

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